So I hate kids birthday parties. That thing where the parents invite every kid in class to a party that costs an absurd amount of money? Yeah fuck that. I cannot stand it. I rarely send my kids. I never host. But every once in a while a kid who is actually a friend of one my kids will have such a party and we attend, because if there is one thing our cross-country move has taught me it's the value of true friendship. So when it's someone we care about or a friend from class that my kid talks about all the time I'll at least try to make the effort. Yesterday was one such instance. This party was for a 6YO who my daughter has gone to school with since daycare days, played sports with, etc. Plus her mom is cool so I can hang at the party with her. All good, right? Yeah sure.
The party was at the local roller skating rink, which is every bit as old school and run down as you'd expect. It was my and my daughters first time there so I didn't don any bitchin' skates and opted to just help her. After a few turns with a PVC pipe walker she was off and rolling without me. This particular party was full of moms, and even some dads, that I'm well acquainted with so I thought I'd have a nice time. What I didn't account for however is that for whatever reason, I still don't fit in with these people. I had some nice chats, caught up with a few people I haven't seen in a while, but my conversations were short and basic. I found myself standing alone, wishing I had even an ounce of interest in roller skating so I'd have something to do. Not only was on the fringes, I felt purposely pushed to the side. Even though I have 2 older kids, I'm still always the youngest mom out there. And older moms really hate the young mom. They don't want to talk to me, and quite frankly they don't want their kids to be friends with mine. I watched as my daughter struggled to be included, constantly trying to stay relevant and accepted. As it turns out my daughter and I are a lot more alike than I thought. I remember the days of trying hard to fit in, doing whatever it took to make people like me. I'm glad I don't care now, and standing there alone at the roller rink surrounded by stuck up moms 10 years older than me really made me realize just how much of a gift it is that they don't want to talk to me. I don't want to be back in high school, pretending to be someone I'm not, hoping to get invited to the next party, talking shit about the other women because I'm insecure and vapid. I realized in that moment that the relative silence was peaceful. Being able to watch my daughter make her way around the rink without me, and fall down and pick herself right back up, was way better than having mindless conversations with someone who couldn't care less about what I had to say. Yesterday I learned that I'm ok, and my daughter will be ok, even if we aren't surrounded by people dying to get to know us. Besides, few people can handle the amount of straight sass and badass-ery the two of us exude.
The party was at the local roller skating rink, which is every bit as old school and run down as you'd expect. It was my and my daughters first time there so I didn't don any bitchin' skates and opted to just help her. After a few turns with a PVC pipe walker she was off and rolling without me. This particular party was full of moms, and even some dads, that I'm well acquainted with so I thought I'd have a nice time. What I didn't account for however is that for whatever reason, I still don't fit in with these people. I had some nice chats, caught up with a few people I haven't seen in a while, but my conversations were short and basic. I found myself standing alone, wishing I had even an ounce of interest in roller skating so I'd have something to do. Not only was on the fringes, I felt purposely pushed to the side. Even though I have 2 older kids, I'm still always the youngest mom out there. And older moms really hate the young mom. They don't want to talk to me, and quite frankly they don't want their kids to be friends with mine. I watched as my daughter struggled to be included, constantly trying to stay relevant and accepted. As it turns out my daughter and I are a lot more alike than I thought. I remember the days of trying hard to fit in, doing whatever it took to make people like me. I'm glad I don't care now, and standing there alone at the roller rink surrounded by stuck up moms 10 years older than me really made me realize just how much of a gift it is that they don't want to talk to me. I don't want to be back in high school, pretending to be someone I'm not, hoping to get invited to the next party, talking shit about the other women because I'm insecure and vapid. I realized in that moment that the relative silence was peaceful. Being able to watch my daughter make her way around the rink without me, and fall down and pick herself right back up, was way better than having mindless conversations with someone who couldn't care less about what I had to say. Yesterday I learned that I'm ok, and my daughter will be ok, even if we aren't surrounded by people dying to get to know us. Besides, few people can handle the amount of straight sass and badass-ery the two of us exude.